Monday, March 19, 2007

Frittata Follow-Up

So yesterday we made Red Pepper, Mushroom & Goat Cheese frittatas. It was delicious, confirming my theory that goat cheese makes everything taste great. This time we took pictures but because we were lazy yesterday we haven't taken them off the camera yet. They will soon be posted.

In addition to the frittatas I also spent all day yesterday making this: I was worried because I halfed the recipe for just Chad and I and when the beef and red wine mixture came out of the oven, it didn't look too appetizing. But after we added the pancetta and vegetables and a little bit of water, it was DELICIOUS! It was so much better than I anticipated and definitely worth the time spent on preparation. I made fresh bread in my bread maker to go with the stew and it was a hearty and delicious dinner. I love making dinner on sundays because I have so much time to try new recipes. Now everyone, leave me a new recipe to try next sunday. :)


At 3:24 PM, Blogger eingy said...

Not until you post pictures! *holds recipes hostage*

Just kidding. I'll try to dig something up. :D

The Sunday dinner I want to learn to make is prime rib roast, but I am terrified of the cost of potentially screwing up the meat. That would be my Holy Grail. Heh.


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