Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Like many, I have been disgusted by the Republican Party's nomination of Sarah Palin and the subsequent lies that have been spewed on her behalf. I was forwarded an email to stand up and let other women know that Sarah Palin does not represent our rights. Here is the blog that is coordinating women around the country to let their voices be heard. Please send them an email and let them know why you, as a woman, do not support this candidate as second-in-command for our nation.

Here is the email I sent:

As a woman in the United States, I find it disgusting that the Republican party could nominate a woman as VP who is the antithesis to everything women have worked for for the past 50 years. Sarah Palin is not a friend of women and might even hate them based on her political stances. She is against reproductive rights, sex education and birth control. It is utterly ridiculous that this person with very little experience in politics and lack of diversity in life could be put a heartbeat away from the presidency. I am afraid for my future and the future of my children if this woman is allowed anywhere close to the White House. The McCain/Palin ticket is one that sees women as second class citizens and actively tries to diminish our role in the world. They do not support equal pay and want to take away our choices. I do not care about her personal family issues but I do worry about her neo-con crazy religious beliefs being made into law. Women across the country need to stand up to this politically charged maneuver by the Republican Party and show them that women want someone who is a representative of our rights, male or female.


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